
Posts that are Psychology related

  • Entrepreneurship,  Psychology

    Why do we procrastinate?

    In my last post we spoke about procrastination, here I want to discuss why we procrastinate. One big reason of why people don’t get things done is because they don’t have a clear path on mind. Yes, they do have a goal but they don’t know how to achieve it. For example, my goal is to make more friends but I don’t know where to meet new people, how to make people want to be friends with me, and how to not be shy. See? I have a goal but when thinking about this very exhausting and scary task, I’ll keep thinking “I have to do this, I have to…

  • Entrepreneurship,  Psychology

    New Year, New Decade, New Promises

    On every new year, we celebrate and welcome a new year with hope and positive looks that the new year will be a success. Some make every year new resolutions, new promises, but most of these people never actually fulfill these. Interestingly enough, most people who did some major breakthroughs just in one year did not make these as a ‘New Year’s Resolution’. How come? Procrastinating. Procrastinating is probably the reason why there isn’t some major breakthrough in medicine for deadly illnesses and same reason the “New Technology” that isn’t out yet, wasn’t discovered yet. People tend to say “I need time to think” when in reality they are just…

  • Entrepreneurship,  Psychology

    Motivation: What are some tips that will motivate us?

    Envision in your head the end result, how cool your project will look when done, how accomplished it will make you feel etc by keeping things that distract us away, so once we start we have the willpower to continue and see good results we get motivated by making the right choices from when we get up continuing throughout the day, cause one good decision brings another and we won’t have the urge to be lazy or slouchy treat yourself to something you like or enjoy, after accomplishing your goal, for example a few minutes of a good read, relaxing for a few minutes, eating something you like set yourself…